Sexual assault on a minor-girl in Kolkata Orphanage, Complaint filed after months

Kolkata: A minor inmate of one of India’s largest Muslim orphanage located in central Kolkata was sexually abused by a labour hired for the ongoing construction work in the orphanage. Based on the complaint filed by the orphanage authority, an investigation has been initiated in the rape case.
There are around 500 inmate living at the orphanage, meant exclusively for girls.
Speaking to eNewsroom, DC South, Miraj Khalid said, “We have initiated an investigation with regards to the child abuse case of the Muslim orphanage. The incident had happened in December but the complaint has been filed on April 30, 2018. The girl is being examined, post that we will be inserting the sections under which an FIR will be initiated.”
The alleged abused shockingly happened in December 2017 and came to the light of the orphanage’s committee members only on Sunday. Sana Ahmed, one of the members of the orphanage committee and councilor of ward 62, while speaking to eNewsroom said, “We are equally shocked with the news and have already taken action against two sub-committee members for allegedly hushing up the matter till now. We have given full access to the investigating agency to look into the matter. The minor-child has already been sent for a medical check-up.”
According to sources, a new building is being constructed inside the orphanage campus, for which a contractor had been hired. One of the labours employed had grabbed the 10-year-old minor into one of the orphanage room and raped her. The news was highlighted when one of the members of the orphanage committee had recorded the girl’s statement over the phone, where she described how she had been abused by a labour. He had covered his face with a cloth, the girl revealed.
Just hours before being sacked, Jabeen Khan, one of the women committee members of the orphanage, said, “We will see to that the girl gets justice, we rallied for Kathua victim and we will do the same for this girl. The girl is being examined. We will get to know the truth.” However, when asked if the delay in initiating a case could weaken the girl’s case, she was quiet for a moment and then said, “Yes. I would suggest you speak to the president and secretary of the committee.” Both Khan and another sub-committee member have been sacked for allegedly hushing up the case till now. Also sacked were the warden and nurse of the orphanage.
Iqbal Ahmed, the deputy mayor of Kolkata and a member of the orphanage committee, after the internal meeting of the committee members, hinted at the possibility of a vested agenda. “Some influential members of the committee who want to head the management of the orphanage are spreading rumours.”
The Muslim orphanage, established in 1892 is one of the largest orphanages and has been a recipient of the President’s medal in 1998. The news of the alleged rape within the orphanage campus has invited sharp criticism from the community.
Sabir S Ghaffar, a Kolkata-based social activist took on to Facebook and wrote, “The office bearers of the orphanage need to take the moral responsibility of the barbaric incident of rape that took place within an institution which received the President’s award.”
Dear miss shabana….
Reading through ur report on the Muslim Orphanage case I can’t help but wonder how the media just twists and turns the TRUTH for some Momentarily benefits…
U mentioned in the report tat jabeen Mumtaz khan and another lady was sacked by the orphanage… Did u clarify this with any of ur sources before putting it up…. Total false news.. This has been done intentionally by some corrupt peope to malign Jabeen Khan who bought light to this assault… In order to save their skin they need a scapegoat… But beware people are not fools… U have done injustice to ur profession by quoting someone with whom you didnt have any dialogue at all… Seriously instead of covering the lies why don’t u highlight tat injustice was done..
Dear Zainab,
I presume, you have randomly posted this comment without reading the news report. Media slamming has become the easiest way out. Just for your information, as a journalist, my job is put forward an unbiased news report.Please read the report twice: I have talked to both the parties before writing the story. Jabeen Khan was the first person that I talked to and she has been quoted in Para number 5 of my story. Councillor Sana Ahmed was the last person that I talked to and she has also been quoted in the copy (para 4). I had contacted Farah Khan, she messaged me to talk to Jabeen (have the sms). Please, read, understand and then do the easiest thing – media bashing and accusing people of not talking and quoting. And by the way, my name is Shabina not Shabana.