Combating HateInclusive India

Beyond Names: Celebrating India’s Collective Soul

On the Uttar Pradesh government's order to put nameplates on every eatery and vendor, a concerned citizen Darshan Mondkar expresses his feelings- I don't care..

I don’t care…

I don’t care if the salesman who sells me shoes is Abdul or Abhishek.

I don’t care if the tea stall owner is Mohammed or Manish.

I don’t care if the owner of the restaurant where I eat is Bashir or Bandya.

I don’t care if my fruit seller is Ghafoor or Ganesh.

I don’t care if the shop where I buy the flowers for a temple is owned by Perwez or Piyush.

I don’t care if my office colleague is Hafiz or Harish.

Sayyed or Suresh, Fatima or Falguni, Imtiaz or Inder… These are just names.. I don’t care..

That’s how it is for me and that’s how it will remain.

I am an Indian and for me, all Indians are a part of my family.

I never have and never will differentiate between them based on their names, their religious beliefs, their castes or their social status.

I understand that these differences exist and these very differences are what my country thrives upon.
That is not just the fundamental core of my country but also its USP.

I have seen no other country where such a multitude of religious diversity comes together to form a unified nation.

A Unity that some unscrupulous characters have been trying to break.

And they are failing..

After a concentrated effort of 100+ years they did taste success for the last 10 years but I honestly believe that the majority of people have started seeing right through it and their fall has begun.

We just need to keep pushing them back into the wormhole that they climbed out and soon they will go back to the obscurity that they truly deserve.

So, yeah, make all the laws that you want to identify and highlight them.. I will embrace them.

You make them write their names on their shops and I won’t care about it. It’s their products and services that matter and not their names.

You try your best to ghettoize them and I will ensure that I embrace them.

You try your best to ostracize them and I will do my best to break those lines you draw and make them feel a part of the society.

That’s what my parents have taught me.

That’s what my religion has taught me.

And That’s what my Constitution has taught me.

So keep playing your Hindu Muslim cards and you will find more and more people shunting your vile propaganda……and eventually you will be defeated.

I will defeat you with love while you try to keep spreading hate.

Because hate has a short shelf life, love is forever..❤️

Disclaimer: I am not an individual. I am not a single person. I am the spirit of India. The same India where the blood that flows doesn’t know religion, whether it flows to save someone’s life in a hospital or whether it flows to defend our country at its borders. Jai Hind. Jai Samvidhaan.

Darshan Mondkar

runs a manufacturing MSME, and loves narrating tales which turn the political and social into the personal. He is especially known for his disclaimers.

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