In Suhail, India gets its own JK Rowling!
It is not that Mohan—the main protagonist of the novel—is someone like Harry Potter, the young wizard and student at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Is Suhail Mathur India’s J K Rowling in the making– I asked this question to myself when I finished reading Suhail’s THE HUNT FOR RAMA’S BOW—a novel in mythological fantasy.
It is not that Mohan—the main protagonist of the novel—is someone like Harry Potter, the young wizard and student at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
Any Indian youth can easily identify himself with Mohan—a normal student of history at Delhi University. He loves his beautiful girlfriend, Samaira, he is used to his cell phone, makes a well researched presentation on revolutionary Madan Lal Dhingra at his college and makes friends.
But Mohan embarks on the journey to catch Dasawanakoka, living in his forbidden kingdom on high altitude which the mortal world is oblivious of. Mohan undertakes this long and arduous journey through the world of magic, wizardry and fantasy rooted in Indian mythology and folktales.
Nothing enthralls the children in particular and common people in general when animals and birds talk in human’s language. Be it the modern time or the bygone era, people love to believe in the existence of the world beyond their eyes can see and their senses perceive.
Suhail Mathur takes Mohan on the unpredictable and treacherous journey of seeking the mythical berries that Lord Rama had left at Sabri’s hut and the Kodanda—Rama’s bow—that he needed to reach the forbidden kingdom of Dasavanaking and liberate princess Alankrita from the clutches of the ferocious demon king.
Mohan might have negotiated through intricate paths, treacherous hills, cruel creatures, tricky wizards and sorcerers to achieve his goal. But Suhail takes his reader THE HUNT FOR RAMA BOW to the enchanting or dreaded scenes with ease, thanks to the simple words and racy narration.
It is easy to read. Once you begin reading it, you keep on turning the pages with ease and felicity till Dasavana is overpowered and Alankrita is liberated. While it is for the critics trained in analyzing the craft and style of the novel to judge it on those standard parameters, I found it quite readable and entertaining. I recommend the novel loving readers to buy and read THE HUNT FOR RAMA BOW.