Support Page

In recent times, people-centric journalism is being done mostly by independent digital media. These organizations run on public support.

Founded in 2017, eNewsroom India has been doing meaningful stories for over four years now. We practice ‘Old School Journalism’ and focus on under-reported stories from Bengal, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan regularly. Our opinion pieces come from across the country. So far, we have done extensive reporting on mob lynchings, hunger deaths, CAA-NRC issue, migrants’ crisis because of the lockdown imposed after the Covid-19 pandemic, on politics, major policy decisions by governments, and environment-related stories among others.

People want media houses to be independent, secular and democratic, but for such organisations to survive, one needs to loosen the purse strings.

Pay us one time or every month, but support our journalism, as we believe in speaking truth to those in power.

At eNewsroom, we thank you for your trust.

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